DEBUG: set debugmode active via shortcode, level: 10
DEBUG: Plugin-Licence here is active for
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DEBUG: createoptions in shortcode: JSON ok!
DEBUG: set method via template 2, method: curlget
DEBUG: set template via template 2: {{description}}
DEBUG: set url via template 2:
DEBUG: active method: curlget
DEBUG: dynamic url NOT allowed, therefore ignore pathparam / fileext. Switch on: See plugin-options
DEBUG: curloptions really used:
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DEBUG: use this cachefile: /data/sites/
DEBUG: Caching is NOT enabled
DEBUG: postbody IGNORED, this is used only if WP-POST is selected as method:
DEBUG: curlGET: curl_setopt CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER (19913) with value 1
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DEBUG: curlGET: curl-timeout: 5
DEBUG: curlGET: curl_setopt CURLOPT_TIMEOUT (13) with value 5
DEBUG: curlGET: no curloptions defined
DEBUG: api-answer:
If it's JSON: Copypaste (click in box, Strg-A marks all, then insert into clipboard) the JSON from the following box to
DEBUG: twig: wpautop not used
DEBUG: twig-template:
DEBUG: JSON used for twig-template:
Inspect JSON: Copypaste (click in box, Strg-A marks all, then insert into clipboard) the JSON from the following box to
DEBUG: Twig-result:
start creating pages:
create page with JSON-loopkey: data.notification
no of pages to create: 42
pagetype: AppNotesItems ('type' in 'createoptions' in shortcode must match 'type' in in plugin-settings!)
Great! Pagetype AppNotesItems defined in plugin-options!
Custom Field 'jci_uniquekey_createpost' missing: Try to use 'key' set in the Definition of the CPT in the Plugin-Options.
key of this Custom Post Type set to APP_NOTES via the plugin-options
DELETE Custom Posts:
typeOfNewpage: AppNotesItems
nameofthejsonimport: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
try to delete previous generated pages! key: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
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delete page 2607591 FAILED
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delete page 2607589 FAILED
delete page 2607581 FAILED
delete page 2607583 FAILED
delete page 2607586 FAILED
delete page 2607584 FAILED
delete page 2607578 FAILED
delete page 2607579 FAILED
delete page 2607580 FAILED
delete page 2607573 FAILED
delete page 2607570 FAILED
delete page 2607569 FAILED
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delete page 2607564 FAILED
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delete page 2607551 FAILED
delete page 2607545 FAILED
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delete page 2607549 FAILED
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delete page 2607536 FAILED
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delete page 2607526 FAILED
delete page 2607524 FAILED
delete runtime: 23
deletion of 42 pages of failed
title template from shortcode: {{title}}
excerpt template from shortcode:
slugname template from shortcode: {{title}}
start looping:
DEBUG: (1) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the raffle...
(1) title of created page: Raffle & Santa Visit
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the raff...
(1) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the raf...
(1) slug: Raffle & Santa Visit
(1) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the raffle...
(1) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the raffle Santa appeared in the halla. There was a lot of excited faces. Santa spoke to the boys and girls and presented each class with some board games for their classroom. Thank you to the Parents Association for organising the games for each class. We all sang Jingle Bells and Santa was on his way back to the North Pole!</p>
DEBUG: (1) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the raffle Santa appeared in the halla. There was a lot of excited faces. Santa spoke to the boys and girls and presented each class with some board games for their classroom. Tha...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(1) featured image URL:
(1) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(1) No url_default for featured image defined
(1) no featured image defined
(1) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:49
DEBUG: (1) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:49
DEBUG: (1) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (1) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:49
DEBUG: (1) creating of new post ok, id=2607608
DEBUG: (1) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(1) show created page 2607608:
(1) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in...
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/19 12:10:47: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Tow...
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607608: post_date : 2024/12/19 12:10:47
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the...
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had...
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607608: images0 :
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the...
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had...
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607608: images1 :
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the...
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had...
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607608: images2 :
DEBUG: (2) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223526
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Learning about Germany in Second Class
[description] => <p>This month second class have been learning about Germany. In history, they learned about some famous German writers, scientists and composers. In Geography, they...
(2) title of created page: Learning about Germany in Second Class
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223526
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Learning about Germany in Second Class
[description] => <p>This month second class have been learning about Germany. In history, they learned about some famous German writers, scientists and composers. In Geography, th...
(2) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223526
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Learning about Germany in Second Class
[description] => <p>This month second class have been learning about Germany. In history, they learned about some famous German writers, scientists and composers. In Geography, t...
(2) slug: Learning about Germany in Second Class
(2) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223526
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Learning about Germany in Second Class
[description] => <p>This month second class have been learning about Germany. In history, they learned about some famous German writers, scientists and composers. In Geography, they...
(2) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>This month second class have been learning about Germany. In history, they learned about some famous German writers, scientists and composers. In Geography, they learned about important natural features, major cities, some well-known landmarks, foods and other cultural traditions. They really enjoyed learning about a different place. In pairs, they made these informative and vibrant posters, to show of their learning. </p>
DEBUG: (2) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>This month second class have been learning about Germany. In history, they learned about some famous German writers, scientists and composers. In Geography, they learned about important natural features, major cities, some well-known landmarks, foods and other cultural traditions. They really enjoyed learning about a different place. In pairs...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(2) featured image URL:
(2) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(2) No url_default for featured image defined
(2) no featured image defined
(2) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:49
DEBUG: (2) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:49
DEBUG: (2) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (2) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:49
DEBUG: (2) creating of new post ok, id=2607610
DEBUG: (2) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(2) show created page 2607610:
(2) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223526
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Learning about Germany in Second Class
[description] => <p>This month second class have been learning about Germany. In history, they learned about some famous German writers, scientists and composers. In Geog...
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/19 08:15:17: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223526
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Learning about Germany in Second Class
[description] => <p>This month second class have been learning about Germany. In history, they learned about some famous German writers, scientists and...
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607610: post_date : 2024/12/19 08:15:17
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223526
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Learning about Germany in Second Class
[description] => <p>This month second class have been learning about Germany. In history, they learned about some famous German writers, scientists and composers. In Geograph...
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223526
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Learning about Germany in Second Class
[description] => <p>This month second class have been learnin...
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607610: images0 :
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223526
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Learning about Germany in Second Class
[description] => <p>This month second class have been learning about Germany. In history, they learned about some famous German writers, scientists and composers. In Geograph...
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223526
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Learning about Germany in Second Class
[description] => <p>This month second class have been learnin...
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607610: images1 :
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223526
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Learning about Germany in Second Class
[description] => <p>This month second class have been learning about Germany. In history, they learned about some famous German writers, scientists and composers. In Geograph...
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223526
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Learning about Germany in Second Class
[description] => <p>This month second class have been learning about Germany. In history, they learned about some famous German writers, scientists and composers. In Geography...
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607610: images2 :
DEBUG: (3) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singing. Well...
(3) title of created page: 6th Class Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singing. We...
(3) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singing. W...
(3) slug: 6th Class Christmas Concert
(3) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singing. Well...
(3) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singing. Well done 6th class on an amazing performance.</p>
DEBUG: (3) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singing. Well done 6th class on an amazing performance.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(3) featured image URL:
(3) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(3) No url_default for featured image defined
(3) no featured image defined
(3) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:49
DEBUG: (3) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:49
DEBUG: (3) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (3) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:49
DEBUG: (3) creating of new post ok, id=2607612
DEBUG: (3) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(3) show created page 2607612:
(3) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of si...
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 14:12:39: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laug...
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607612: post_date : 2024/12/18 14:12:39
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singin...
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They perform...
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607612: images0 :
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singin...
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They perform...
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607612: images1 :
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singin...
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They perform...
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607612: images2 :
DEBUG: (4) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to life wit...
(4) title of created page: Senior Infants Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to life w...
(4) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to life ...
(4) slug: Senior Infants Christmas Concert
(4) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to life wit...
(4) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to life with a Christmas twist. A great perfomance. Well done everyone!</p>
DEBUG: (4) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to life with a Christmas twist. A great perfomance. Well done everyone!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(4) featured image URL:
(4) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(4) No url_default for featured image defined
(4) no featured image defined
(4) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:50
DEBUG: (4) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:50
DEBUG: (4) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (4) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:50
DEBUG: (4) creating of new post ok, id=2607614
DEBUG: (4) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(4) show created page 2607614:
(4) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters ...
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 10:32:26: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fa...
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607614: post_date : 2024/12/18 10:32:26
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to l...
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert toda...
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607614: images0 :
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to l...
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert toda...
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607614: images1 :
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to l...
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert toda...
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607614: images2 :
DEBUG: (5) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping along with ...
(5) title of created page: 5th Class Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping along wit...
(5) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping along wi...
(5) slug: 5th Class Christmas Concert
(5) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping along with ...
(5) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping along with their songs. We could have watched them all day! Well done everyone</p>
<p> </p>
DEBUG: (5) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping along with their songs. We could have watched them all day! Well done everyone</p>
<p> </p>
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(5) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(5) No url_default for featured image defined
(5) no featured image defined
(5) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:50
DEBUG: (5) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:50
DEBUG: (5) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (5) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:50
DEBUG: (5) creating of new post ok, id=2607616
DEBUG: (5) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(5) show created page 2607616:
(5) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping ...
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 13:03:45: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone si...
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607616: post_date : 2024/12/18 13:03:45
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping alon...
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Chri...
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607616: images0 :
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping alon...
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Chri...
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607616: images1 :
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping alon...
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Chri...
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607616: images2 :
DEBUG: (6) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulous sing...
(6) title of created page: 4th Class Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulous si...
(6) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulous s...
(6) slug: 4th Class Christmas Concert
(6) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulous sing...
(6) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulous singing. Well done 4th class!</p>
DEBUG: (6) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulous singing. Well done 4th class!</p>
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(6) featured image URL:
(6) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(6) No url_default for featured image defined
(6) no featured image defined
(6) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:50
DEBUG: (6) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:50
DEBUG: (6) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (6) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:50
DEBUG: (6) creating of new post ok, id=2607619
DEBUG: (6) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(6) show created page 2607619:
(6) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fa...
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 12:28:19: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes du...
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607619: post_date : 2024/12/18 12:28:19
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulo...
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently pe...
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607619: images0 :
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulo...
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently pe...
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607619: images1 :
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulo...
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently pe...
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607619: images2 :
DEBUG: (7) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully. Well ...
(7) title of created page: 3rd Class Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully. Wel...
(7) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully. We...
(7) slug: 3rd Class Christmas Concert
(7) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully. Well ...
(7) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully. Well done 3rd class!</p>
DEBUG: (7) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully. Well done 3rd class!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(7) featured image URL:
(7) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(7) No url_default for featured image defined
(7) no featured image defined
(7) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:51
DEBUG: (7) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:51
DEBUG: (7) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (7) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:51
DEBUG: (7) creating of new post ok, id=2607621
DEBUG: (7) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(7) show created page 2607621:
(7) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautif...
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 11:49:26: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellent...
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607621: post_date : 2024/12/18 11:49:26
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully...
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd class...
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607621: images0 :
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully...
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd class...
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607621: images1 :
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully...
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd class...
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607621: images2 :
DEBUG: (8) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!</p>...
(8) title of created page: 2nd Class Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!</p&g...
(8) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!</p&...
(8) slug: 2nd Class Christmas Concert
(8) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!</p>...
(8) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!</p>
DEBUG: (8) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(8) featured image URL:
(8) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(8) No url_default for featured image defined
(8) no featured image defined
(8) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:51
DEBUG: (8) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:51
DEBUG: (8) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (8) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:51
DEBUG: (8) creating of new post ok, id=2607622
DEBUG: (8) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(8) show created page 2607622:
(8) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone...
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 11:21:25: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful....
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607622: post_date : 2024/12/18 11:21:25
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!<...
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves...
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607622: images0 :
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!<...
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves...
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607622: images1 :
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!<...
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves...
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607622: images2 :
DEBUG: (9) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Well done ...
(9) title of created page: 1st Class Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Well don...
(9) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Well do...
(9) slug: 1st Class Christmas Concert
(9) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Well done ...
(9) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Well done everyone!</p>
DEBUG: (9) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Well done everyone!</p>
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(9) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(9) No url_default for featured image defined
(9) no featured image defined
(9) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:51
DEBUG: (9) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:51
DEBUG: (9) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (9) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:51
DEBUG: (9) creating of new post ok, id=2607624
DEBUG: (9) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(9) show created page 2607624:
(9) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
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twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant....
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 11:11:49: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They ...
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607624: post_date : 2024/12/18 11:11:49
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Wel...
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class tod...
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607624: images0 :
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Wel...
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class tod...
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607624: images1 :
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Wel...
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class tod...
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607624: images2 :
DEBUG: (10) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223380
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Biscuit Decorating
[description] => Senior Infants unwound after their amazing performance of their Christmas play by icing and decorating biscuits. A lovely morning was had by all.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants unwou...
(10) title of created page: Biscuit Decorating
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223380
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Biscuit Decorating
[description] => Senior Infants unwound after their amazing performance of their Christmas play by icing and decorating biscuits. A lovely morning was had by all.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants unw...
(10) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223380
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Biscuit Decorating
[description] => Senior Infants unwound after their amazing performance of their Christmas play by icing and decorating biscuits. A lovely morning was had by all.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants un...
(10) slug: Biscuit Decorating
(10) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223380
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Biscuit Decorating
[description] => Senior Infants unwound after their amazing performance of their Christmas play by icing and decorating biscuits. A lovely morning was had by all.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants unwou...
(10) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Senior Infants unwound after their amazing performance of their Christmas play by icing and decorating biscuits. A lovely morning was had by all.
DEBUG: (10) content 4 page after do_shortcode: Senior Infants unwound after their amazing performance of their Christmas play by icing and decorating biscuits. A lovely morning was had by all.
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(10) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(10) No url_default for featured image defined
(10) no featured image defined
(10) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:52
DEBUG: (10) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:52
DEBUG: (10) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (10) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:52
DEBUG: (10) creating of new post ok, id=2607626
DEBUG: (10) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(10) show created page 2607626:
(10) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223380
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Biscuit Decorating
[description] => Senior Infants unwound after their amazing performance of their Christmas play by icing and decorating biscuits. A lovely morning was had by all.
[html_desc] => Senior In...
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 10:51:41: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223380
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Biscuit Decorating
[description] => Senior Infants unwound after their amazing performance of their Christmas play by icing and decorating biscuits. A lovely morning was had by all.
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607626: post_date : 2024/12/18 10:51:41
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223380
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Biscuit Decorating
[description] => Senior Infants unwound after their amazing performance of their Christmas play by icing and decorating biscuits. A lovely morning was had by all.
[html_desc] => Senior Infant...
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223380
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Biscuit Decorating
[description] => Senior Infants unwound after their amazing performance of their Chri...
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607626: images0 :
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223380
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Biscuit Decorating
[description] => Senior Infants unwound after their amazing performance of their Christmas play by icing and decorating biscuits. A lovely morning was had by all.
[html_desc] => Senior Infant...
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223380
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Biscuit Decorating
[description] => Senior Infants unwound after their amazing performance of their Chri...
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607626: images1 :
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
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[id] => 223380
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Biscuit Decorating
[description] => Senior Infants unwound after their amazing performance of their Christmas play by icing and decorating biscuits. A lovely morning was had by all.
[html_desc] => Senior Infant...
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223380
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Biscuit Decorating
[description] => Senior Infants unwound after their amazing performance of their Chri...
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607626: images2 :
DEBUG: (11) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the songs ...
(11) title of created page: Junior Infants Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the song...
(11) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the son...
(11) slug: Junior Infants Christmas Concert
(11) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the songs ...
(11) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the songs during the play. Well done Juniors!</p>
DEBUG: (11) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the songs during the play. Well done Juniors!</p>
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(11) featured image URL:
(11) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(11) No url_default for featured image defined
(11) no featured image defined
(11) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:52
DEBUG: (11) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:52
DEBUG: (11) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (11) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:52
DEBUG: (11) creating of new post ok, id=2607628
DEBUG: (11) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(11) show created page 2607628:
(11) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to...
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 10:19:24: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyon...
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607628: post_date : 2024/12/18 10:19:24
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the...
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today...
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607628: images0 :
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the...
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today...
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607628: images1 :
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the...
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today...
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607628: images2 :
DEBUG: (12) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells. Well d...
(12) title of created page: Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells. Well...
(12) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells. Wel...
(12) slug: Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
(12) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells. Well d...
(12) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells. Well done everyone!</p>
DEBUG: (12) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells. Well done everyone!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(12) featured image URL:
(12) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(12) No url_default for featured image defined
(12) no featured image defined
(12) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:52
DEBUG: (12) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:52
DEBUG: (12) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (12) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:52
DEBUG: (12) creating of new post ok, id=2607630
DEBUG: (12) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(12) show created page 2607630:
(12) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Be...
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 10:10:28: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to...
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607630: post_date : 2024/12/18 10:10:28
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells....
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their ...
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607630: images0 :
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells....
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their ...
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607630: images1 :
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells....
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their ...
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607630: images2 :
DEBUG: (13) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread some f...
(13) title of created page: School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread some...
(13) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread som...
(13) slug: School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
(13) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread some f...
(13) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread some festive cheer. They sang lots of lovely Christmas songs and were delighted to hear some of the visitors sing too! </p>
DEBUG: (13) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Children from 5th &amp; 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread some festive cheer. They sang lots of lovely Christmas songs and were delighted to hear some of the visitors sing too! </p>
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(13) featured image URL:
(13) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(13) No url_default for featured image defined
(13) no featured image defined
(13) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:53
DEBUG: (13) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:53
DEBUG: (13) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (13) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:53
DEBUG: (13) creating of new post ok, id=2607632
DEBUG: (13) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(13) show created page 2607632:
(13) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
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twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to sp...
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/16 21:25:21: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospit...
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607632: post_date : 2024/12/16 21:25:21
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread...
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th &a...
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607632: images0 :
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread...
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th &a...
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607632: images1 :
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread...
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread ...
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607632: images2 :
DEBUG: (14) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
(14) title of created page: VEX robots
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
(14) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
(14) slug: VEX robots
(14) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
(14) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
DEBUG: (14) content 4 page after do_shortcode: We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
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(14) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(14) No url_default for featured image defined
(14) no featured image defined
(14) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:53
DEBUG: (14) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:53
DEBUG: (14) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (14) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:53
DEBUG: (14) creating of new post ok, id=2607634
DEBUG: (14) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(14) show created page 2607634:
(14) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
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twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage...
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/13 14:09:12: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for ho...
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607634: post_date : 2024/12/13 14:09:12
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children ...
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607634: images0 :
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children ...
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607634: images1 :
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
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[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children ...
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607634: images2 :
DEBUG: (15) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222785
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Outdoor Maths
[description] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school yard today.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school yard...
(15) title of created page: Outdoor Maths
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222785
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Outdoor Maths
[description] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school yard today.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school ya...
(15) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222785
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Outdoor Maths
[description] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school yard today.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school y...
(15) slug: Outdoor Maths
(15) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222785
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Outdoor Maths
[description] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school yard today.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school yard...
(15) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school yard today.
DEBUG: (15) content 4 page after do_shortcode: Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school yard today.
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(15) featured image URL:
(15) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(15) No url_default for featured image defined
(15) no featured image defined
(15) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:53
DEBUG: (15) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:53
DEBUG: (15) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (15) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:53
DEBUG: (15) creating of new post ok, id=2607636
DEBUG: (15) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(15) show created page 2607636:
(15) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222785
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Outdoor Maths
[description] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school yard today.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the ...
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/13 11:40:42: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222785
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Outdoor Maths
[description] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school yard today.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and sto...
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607636: post_date : 2024/12/13 11:40:42
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222785
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Outdoor Maths
[description] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school yard today.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the scho...
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222785
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Outdoor Maths
[description] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the sch...
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607636: images0 :
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222785
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Outdoor Maths
[description] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school yard today.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the scho...
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222785
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Outdoor Maths
[description] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the sch...
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607636: images1 :
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222785
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Outdoor Maths
[description] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the school yard today.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the scho...
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222785
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Outdoor Maths
[description] => Senior Infants created patterns using leaves and stones outside in the sch...
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607636: images2 :
DEBUG: (16) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222581
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Maths
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning all about money this week. Today they used Aldi brochures to create Christmas dinner menus. Their challenge was to create a menu to cater for five gues...
(16) title of created page: Christmas Maths
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222581
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Maths
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning all about money this week. Today they used Aldi brochures to create Christmas dinner menus. Their challenge was to create a menu to cater for five gu...
(16) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222581
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Maths
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning all about money this week. Today they used Aldi brochures to create Christmas dinner menus. Their challenge was to create a menu to cater for five g...
(16) slug: Christmas Maths
(16) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222581
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Maths
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning all about money this week. Today they used Aldi brochures to create Christmas dinner menus. Their challenge was to create a menu to cater for five gues...
(16) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Fourth class have been learning all about money this week. Today they used Aldi brochures to create Christmas dinner menus. Their challenge was to create a menu to cater for five guests. Plenty of group work, addition, multiplication and active learning happened today. We were very hungry during our maths lesson today!</p>
DEBUG: (16) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Fourth class have been learning all about money this week. Today they used Aldi brochures to create Christmas dinner menus. Their challenge was to create a menu to cater for five guests. Plenty of group work, addition, multiplication and active learning happened today. We were very hungry during our maths lesson today!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(16) featured image URL:
(16) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(16) No url_default for featured image defined
(16) no featured image defined
(16) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:54
DEBUG: (16) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:54
DEBUG: (16) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (16) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:54
DEBUG: (16) creating of new post ok, id=2607638
DEBUG: (16) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(16) show created page 2607638:
(16) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222581
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Maths
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning all about money this week. Today they used Aldi brochures to create Christmas dinner menus. Their challenge was to create a menu to cater fo...
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/12 11:52:45: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222581
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Maths
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning all about money this week. Today they used Aldi brochures to create Christmas dinner menus. Their challenge was to create...
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607638: post_date : 2024/12/12 11:52:45
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222581
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Maths
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning all about money this week. Today they used Aldi brochures to create Christmas dinner menus. Their challenge was to create a menu to cater for fi...
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222581
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Maths
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning all about money this week. Toda...
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607638: images0 :
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222581
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Maths
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning all about money this week. Today they used Aldi brochures to create Christmas dinner menus. Their challenge was to create a menu to cater for fi...
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222581
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Maths
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning all about money this week. Toda...
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607638: images1 :
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222581
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Maths
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning all about money this week. Today they used Aldi brochures to create Christmas dinner menus. Their challenge was to create a menu to cater for fi...
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222581
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Maths
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning all about money this week. Toda...
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607638: images2 :
DEBUG: (17) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native trees an...
(17) title of created page: Geography and Nature Project in 6th
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native trees ...
(17) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native trees...
(17) slug: Geography and Nature Project in 6th
(17) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native trees an...
(17) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native trees and looking for signs of adaption, competition and indicators. The class learned so much about our local woods.</p>
DEBUG: (17) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native trees and looking for signs of adaption, competition and indicators. The class learned so much about our local woods.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(17) featured image URL:
(17) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(17) No url_default for featured image defined
(17) no featured image defined
(17) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:54
DEBUG: (17) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:54
DEBUG: (17) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (17) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:54
DEBUG: (17) creating of new post ok, id=2607640
DEBUG: (17) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(17) show created page 2607640:
(17) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying nati...
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/11 13:49:44: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class throu...
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607640: post_date : 2024/12/11 13:49:44
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native t...
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Projec...
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607640: images0 :
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native t...
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Projec...
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607640: images1 :
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native t...
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Projec...
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607640: images2 :
DEBUG: (18) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
[html_desc] ...
(18) title of created page: La Navidad en España
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
(18) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
(18) slug: La Navidad en España
(18) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
[html_desc] ...
(18) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
DEBUG: (18) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(18) featured image URL:
(18) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(18) No url_default for featured image defined
(18) no featured image defined
(18) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:55
DEBUG: (18) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:55
DEBUG: (18) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (18) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:55
DEBUG: (18) creating of new post ok, id=2607642
DEBUG: (18) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(18) show created page 2607642:
(18) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/11 12:49:49: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Vict...
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607642: post_date : 2024/12/11 12:49:49
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spai...
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607642: images0 :
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607642: images1 :
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607642: images2 :
DEBUG: (19) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222341
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class Snow Globe art
[description] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>
[html_desc] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>...
(19) title of created page: 1st class Snow Globe art
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222341
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class Snow Globe art
[description] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>
[html_desc] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p&...
(19) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222341
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class Snow Globe art
[description] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>
[html_desc] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p&...
(19) slug: 1st class Snow Globe art
(19) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222341
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class Snow Globe art
[description] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>
[html_desc] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>...
(19) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>
DEBUG: (19) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(19) featured image URL:
(19) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(19) No url_default for featured image defined
(19) no featured image defined
(19) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:55
DEBUG: (19) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:55
DEBUG: (19) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (19) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:55
DEBUG: (19) creating of new post ok, id=2607644
DEBUG: (19) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(19) show created page 2607644:
(19) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222341
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class Snow Globe art
[description] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>
[html_desc] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week&l...
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/11 08:47:21: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222341
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class Snow Globe art
[description] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>
[html_desc] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow glo...
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607644: post_date : 2024/12/11 08:47:21
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222341
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class Snow Globe art
[description] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>
[html_desc] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p...
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222341
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class Snow Globe art
[description] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week...
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607644: images0 :
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222341
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class Snow Globe art
[description] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>
[html_desc] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p...
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222341
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class Snow Globe art
[description] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>
[html_desc] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p&...
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607644: images1 :
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222341
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class Snow Globe art
[description] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>
[html_desc] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p...
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222341
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class Snow Globe art
[description] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p>
[html_desc] => <p>First class made some beautiful snow globes this week</p&...
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607644: images2 :
DEBUG: (20) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221961
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Printing Christmas Trees in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class enjoyed using different tools to print and decorate these colourful Christmas trees!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Second cla...
(20) title of created page: Printing Christmas Trees in Second Class
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221961
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Printing Christmas Trees in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class enjoyed using different tools to print and decorate these colourful Christmas trees!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Second c...
(20) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221961
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Printing Christmas Trees in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class enjoyed using different tools to print and decorate these colourful Christmas trees!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Second ...
(20) slug: Printing Christmas Trees in Second Class
(20) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221961
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Printing Christmas Trees in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class enjoyed using different tools to print and decorate these colourful Christmas trees!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Second cla...
(20) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Second class enjoyed using different tools to print and decorate these colourful Christmas trees!</p>
DEBUG: (20) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Second class enjoyed using different tools to print and decorate these colourful Christmas trees!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(20) featured image URL:
(20) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(20) No url_default for featured image defined
(20) no featured image defined
(20) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:55
DEBUG: (20) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:55
DEBUG: (20) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (20) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:55
DEBUG: (20) creating of new post ok, id=2607646
DEBUG: (20) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(20) show created page 2607646:
(20) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221961
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Printing Christmas Trees in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class enjoyed using different tools to print and decorate these colourful Christmas trees!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>...
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/09 08:03:13: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221961
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Printing Christmas Trees in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class enjoyed using different tools to print and decorate these colourful Christmas trees!</p>
[html_desc] =&g...
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607646: post_date : 2024/12/09 08:03:13
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221961
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Printing Christmas Trees in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class enjoyed using different tools to print and decorate these colourful Christmas trees!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Sec...
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221961
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Printing Christmas Trees in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class enjoyed using different ...
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607646: images0 :
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221961
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Printing Christmas Trees in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class enjoyed using different tools to print and decorate these colourful Christmas trees!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Sec...
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221961
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Printing Christmas Trees in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class enjoyed using different ...
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607646: images1 :
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221961
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Printing Christmas Trees in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class enjoyed using different tools to print and decorate these colourful Christmas trees!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Sec...
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221961
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Printing Christmas Trees in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class enjoyed using different ...
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607646: images2 :
DEBUG: (21) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221833
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First South Credit Union Art Competition
[description] => <p>Well done to everyone who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Credit Union Art Competition. Each winner received a medal, certificate and goodie bag today from Georgi...
(21) title of created page: First South Credit Union Art Competition
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221833
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First South Credit Union Art Competition
[description] => <p>Well done to everyone who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Credit Union Art Competition. Each winner received a medal, certificate and goodie bag today from Geor...
(21) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221833
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First South Credit Union Art Competition
[description] => <p>Well done to everyone who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Credit Union Art Competition. Each winner received a medal, certificate and goodie bag today from Geo...
(21) slug: First South Credit Union Art Competition
(21) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221833
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First South Credit Union Art Competition
[description] => <p>Well done to everyone who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Credit Union Art Competition. Each winner received a medal, certificate and goodie bag today from Georgi...
(21) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Well done to everyone who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Credit Union Art Competition. Each winner received a medal, certificate and goodie bag today from Georgie from First South Credit Union. Congratulations everyone!</p>
DEBUG: (21) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Well done to everyone who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Credit Union Art Competition. Each winner received a medal, certificate and goodie bag today from Georgie from First South Credit Union. Congratulations everyone!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(21) featured image URL:
(21) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(21) No url_default for featured image defined
(21) no featured image defined
(21) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:56
DEBUG: (21) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:56
DEBUG: (21) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (21) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:56
DEBUG: (21) creating of new post ok, id=2607648
DEBUG: (21) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(21) show created page 2607648:
(21) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221833
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First South Credit Union Art Competition
[description] => <p>Well done to everyone who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Credit Union Art Competition. Each winner received a medal, certificate and goodie bag today ...
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/06 13:49:13: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221833
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First South Credit Union Art Competition
[description] => <p>Well done to everyone who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Credit Union Art Competition. Each winner received a medal, certificate an...
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607648: post_date : 2024/12/06 13:49:13
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221833
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First South Credit Union Art Competition
[description] => <p>Well done to everyone who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Credit Union Art Competition. Each winner received a medal, certificate and goodie bag today from...
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221833
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First South Credit Union Art Competition
[description] => <p>Well done to everyone who came 1st, 2n...
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607648: images0 :
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
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[id] => 221833
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First South Credit Union Art Competition
[description] => <p>Well done to everyone who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Credit Union Art Competition. Each winner received a medal, certificate and goodie bag today from...
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221833
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First South Credit Union Art Competition
[description] => <p>Well done to everyone who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Credit Union Art Competition. Each winner received a medal, certificate and goodie bag today from ...
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607648: images1 :
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
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[id] => 221833
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First South Credit Union Art Competition
[description] => <p>Well done to everyone who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Credit Union Art Competition. Each winner received a medal, certificate and goodie bag today from...
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221833
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First South Credit Union Art Competition
[description] => <p>Well done to everyone who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Credit Union Art Competition. Each winner received a medal, certificate and goodie bag today from ...
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607648: images2 :
DEBUG: (22) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221827
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Getting ready for the Christmas concert
[description] => <p>6th class had a very busy week getting our stage ready for the Christmas Concerts on the 18th December. Good job everyone for putting it all together!</p>...
(22) title of created page: Getting ready for the Christmas concert
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221827
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Getting ready for the Christmas concert
[description] => <p>6th class had a very busy week getting our stage ready for the Christmas Concerts on the 18th December. Good job everyone for putting it all together!</p&...
(22) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221827
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Getting ready for the Christmas concert
[description] => <p>6th class had a very busy week getting our stage ready for the Christmas Concerts on the 18th December. Good job everyone for putting it all together!</p...
(22) slug: Getting ready for the Christmas concert
(22) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221827
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Getting ready for the Christmas concert
[description] => <p>6th class had a very busy week getting our stage ready for the Christmas Concerts on the 18th December. Good job everyone for putting it all together!</p>...
(22) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>6th class had a very busy week getting our stage ready for the Christmas Concerts on the 18th December. Good job everyone for putting it all together!</p>
DEBUG: (22) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>6th class had a very busy week getting our stage ready for the Christmas Concerts on the 18th December. Good job everyone for putting it all together!</p>
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(22) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(22) No url_default for featured image defined
(22) no featured image defined
(22) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:56
DEBUG: (22) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:56
DEBUG: (22) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (22) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:56
DEBUG: (22) creating of new post ok, id=2607650
DEBUG: (22) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(22) show created page 2607650:
(22) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221827
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Getting ready for the Christmas concert
[description] => <p>6th class had a very busy week getting our stage ready for the Christmas Concerts on the 18th December. Good job everyone for putting it all togethe...
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/06 13:42:18: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221827
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Getting ready for the Christmas concert
[description] => <p>6th class had a very busy week getting our stage ready for the Christmas Concerts on the 18th December. Good job everyone for put...
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607650: post_date : 2024/12/06 13:42:18
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221827
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Getting ready for the Christmas concert
[description] => <p>6th class had a very busy week getting our stage ready for the Christmas Concerts on the 18th December. Good job everyone for putting it all together!&l...
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221827
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Getting ready for the Christmas concert
[description] => <p>6th class had a very busy week getting ...
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607650: images0 :
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221827
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Getting ready for the Christmas concert
[description] => <p>6th class had a very busy week getting our stage ready for the Christmas Concerts on the 18th December. Good job everyone for putting it all together!&l...
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221827
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Getting ready for the Christmas concert
[description] => <p>6th class had a very busy week getting ...
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607650: images1 :
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221827
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Getting ready for the Christmas concert
[description] => <p>6th class had a very busy week getting our stage ready for the Christmas Concerts on the 18th December. Good job everyone for putting it all together!&l...
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221827
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Getting ready for the Christmas concert
[description] => <p>6th class had a very busy week getting ...
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607650: images2 :
DEBUG: (23) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221464
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Social Outing
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class had a great outing to Kinsale today. We went on the Local Link bus and enjoyed some hot chocolate, food from the Farmer's Market and a trip to the library. </p&...
(23) title of created page: Social Outing
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221464
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Social Outing
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class had a great outing to Kinsale today. We went on the Local Link bus and enjoyed some hot chocolate, food from the Farmer's Market and a trip to the library. </...
(23) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221464
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Social Outing
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class had a great outing to Kinsale today. We went on the Local Link bus and enjoyed some hot chocolate, food from the Farmer's Market and a trip to the library. <...
(23) slug: Social Outing
(23) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221464
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Social Outing
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class had a great outing to Kinsale today. We went on the Local Link bus and enjoyed some hot chocolate, food from the Farmer's Market and a trip to the library. </p&...
(23) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Ms Horan's class had a great outing to Kinsale today. We went on the Local Link bus and enjoyed some hot chocolate, food from the Farmer's Market and a trip to the library. </p>
DEBUG: (23) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Ms Horan's class had a great outing to Kinsale today. We went on the Local Link bus and enjoyed some hot chocolate, food from the Farmer's Market and a trip to the library. </p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(23) featured image URL:
(23) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(23) No url_default for featured image defined
(23) no featured image defined
(23) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:57
DEBUG: (23) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:57
DEBUG: (23) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (23) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:57
DEBUG: (23) creating of new post ok, id=2607652
DEBUG: (23) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(23) show created page 2607652:
(23) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221464
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Social Outing
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class had a great outing to Kinsale today. We went on the Local Link bus and enjoyed some hot chocolate, food from the Farmer's Market and a trip to the library.&n...
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/04 13:50:40: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221464
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Social Outing
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class had a great outing to Kinsale today. We went on the Local Link bus and enjoyed some hot chocolate, food from the Farmer's Market and a tri...
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607652: post_date : 2024/12/04 13:50:40
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221464
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Social Outing
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class had a great outing to Kinsale today. We went on the Local Link bus and enjoyed some hot chocolate, food from the Farmer's Market and a trip to the library. ...
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221464
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Social Outing
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class had a great outing to Kinsale today. We went on ...
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607652: images0 :
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221464
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Social Outing
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class had a great outing to Kinsale today. We went on the Local Link bus and enjoyed some hot chocolate, food from the Farmer's Market and a trip to the library. ...
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221464
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Social Outing
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class had a great outing to Kinsale today. We went on ...
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607652: images1 :
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221464
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Social Outing
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class had a great outing to Kinsale today. We went on the Local Link bus and enjoyed some hot chocolate, food from the Farmer's Market and a trip to the library. ...
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221464
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Social Outing
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class had a great outing to Kinsale today. We went on ...
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607652: images2 :
DEBUG: (24) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221351
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys indoor football blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys from 3rd class who had their turn wearing the school jerseys for todays football blitz in Rivertstick. The boys enjoyed playing competitive matches a...
(24) title of created page: Boys indoor football blitz
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221351
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys indoor football blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys from 3rd class who had their turn wearing the school jerseys for todays football blitz in Rivertstick. The boys enjoyed playing competitive matches...
(24) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221351
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys indoor football blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys from 3rd class who had their turn wearing the school jerseys for todays football blitz in Rivertstick. The boys enjoyed playing competitive matche...
(24) slug: Boys indoor football blitz
(24) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221351
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys indoor football blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys from 3rd class who had their turn wearing the school jerseys for todays football blitz in Rivertstick. The boys enjoyed playing competitive matches a...
(24) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Well done to the boys from 3rd class who had their turn wearing the school jerseys for todays football blitz in Rivertstick. The boys enjoyed playing competitive matches against local schools. They displayed great skill and teamwork.</p>
DEBUG: (24) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Well done to the boys from 3rd class who had their turn wearing the school jerseys for todays football blitz in Rivertstick. The boys enjoyed playing competitive matches against local schools. They displayed great skill and teamwork.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(24) featured image URL:
(24) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(24) No url_default for featured image defined
(24) no featured image defined
(24) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:57
DEBUG: (24) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:57
DEBUG: (24) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (24) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:57
DEBUG: (24) creating of new post ok, id=2607654
DEBUG: (24) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(24) show created page 2607654:
(24) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221351
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys indoor football blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys from 3rd class who had their turn wearing the school jerseys for todays football blitz in Rivertstick. The boys enjoyed playing competitiv...
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/03 22:19:15: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221351
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys indoor football blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys from 3rd class who had their turn wearing the school jerseys for todays football blitz in Rivertstick. The boys enjoyed...
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607654: post_date : 2024/12/03 22:19:15
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221351
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys indoor football blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys from 3rd class who had their turn wearing the school jerseys for todays football blitz in Rivertstick. The boys enjoyed playing competitive ma...
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221351
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys indoor football blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys from 3rd class who had their ...
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607654: images0 :
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221351
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys indoor football blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys from 3rd class who had their turn wearing the school jerseys for todays football blitz in Rivertstick. The boys enjoyed playing competitive ma...
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221351
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys indoor football blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys from 3rd class who had their ...
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607654: images1 :
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221351
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys indoor football blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys from 3rd class who had their turn wearing the school jerseys for todays football blitz in Rivertstick. The boys enjoyed playing competitive ma...
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221351
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys indoor football blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys from 3rd class who had their ...
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607654: images2 :
DEBUG: (25) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221329
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th & 6th Class Trip to Charles Fort
[description] => <p>5th and 6th class has a great day at Charles Fort. They took part in a workshop where they had to complete different challenges. Everyone really enjoyed it!&n...
(25) title of created page: 5th & 6th Class Trip to Charles Fort
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221329
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th & 6th Class Trip to Charles Fort
[description] => <p>5th and 6th class has a great day at Charles Fort. They took part in a workshop where they had to complete different challenges. Everyone really enjoyed it!...
(25) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221329
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th & 6th Class Trip to Charles Fort
[description] => <p>5th and 6th class has a great day at Charles Fort. They took part in a workshop where they had to complete different challenges. Everyone really enjoyed it...
(25) slug: 5th & 6th Class Trip to Charles Fort
(25) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221329
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th & 6th Class Trip to Charles Fort
[description] => <p>5th and 6th class has a great day at Charles Fort. They took part in a workshop where they had to complete different challenges. Everyone really enjoyed it!&n...
(25) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>5th and 6th class has a great day at Charles Fort. They took part in a workshop where they had to complete different challenges. Everyone really enjoyed it! </p>
DEBUG: (25) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>5th and 6th class has a great day at Charles Fort. They took part in a workshop where they had to complete different challenges. Everyone really enjoyed it! </p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(25) featured image URL:
(25) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(25) No url_default for featured image defined
(25) no featured image defined
(25) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:57
DEBUG: (25) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:57
DEBUG: (25) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (25) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:57
DEBUG: (25) creating of new post ok, id=2607656
DEBUG: (25) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(25) show created page 2607656:
(25) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221329
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th & 6th Class Trip to Charles Fort
[description] => <p>5th and 6th class has a great day at Charles Fort. They took part in a workshop where they had to complete different challenges. Everyone really en...
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/03 20:50:13: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221329
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th & 6th Class Trip to Charles Fort
[description] => <p>5th and 6th class has a great day at Charles Fort. They took part in a workshop where they had to complete different challenges....
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607656: post_date : 2024/12/03 20:50:13
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221329
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th & 6th Class Trip to Charles Fort
[description] => <p>5th and 6th class has a great day at Charles Fort. They took part in a workshop where they had to complete different challenges. Everyone really enjoye...
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221329
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th & 6th Class Trip to Charles Fort
[description] => <p>5th and 6th class has a great day at C...
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607656: images0 :
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221329
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th & 6th Class Trip to Charles Fort
[description] => <p>5th and 6th class has a great day at Charles Fort. They took part in a workshop where they had to complete different challenges. Everyone really enjoye...
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221329
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th & 6th Class Trip to Charles Fort
[description] => <p>5th and 6th class has a great day at C...
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607656: images1 :
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221329
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th & 6th Class Trip to Charles Fort
[description] => <p>5th and 6th class has a great day at Charles Fort. They took part in a workshop where they had to complete different challenges. Everyone really enjoye...
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221329
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th & 6th Class Trip to Charles Fort
[description] => <p>5th and 6th class has a great day at C...
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607656: images2 :
DEBUG: (26) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221213
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Arts & Crafts in Junior & Senior infants
[description] => <p>A huge thank you to Kate and Dominique from the Parents Association who called to the infant classes this morning and did some super arts & cr...
(26) title of created page: Arts & Crafts in Junior & Senior infants
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221213
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Arts & Crafts in Junior & Senior infants
[description] => <p>A huge thank you to Kate and Dominique from the Parents Association who called to the infant classes this morning and did some super arts & ...
(26) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221213
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Arts & Crafts in Junior & Senior infants
[description] => <p>A huge thank you to Kate and Dominique from the Parents Association who called to the infant classes this morning and did some super arts &...
(26) slug: Arts & Crafts in Junior & Senior infants
(26) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221213
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Arts & Crafts in Junior & Senior infants
[description] => <p>A huge thank you to Kate and Dominique from the Parents Association who called to the infant classes this morning and did some super arts & cr...
(26) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>A huge thank you to Kate and Dominique from the Parents Association who called to the infant classes this morning and did some super arts & crafts with all the children. They were all super proud of their creations!</p>
DEBUG: (26) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>A huge thank you to Kate and Dominique from the Parents Association who called to the infant classes this morning and did some super arts &amp; crafts with all the children. They were all super proud of their creations!</p>
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(26) featured image URL:
(26) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(26) No url_default for featured image defined
(26) no featured image defined
(26) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:58
DEBUG: (26) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:58
DEBUG: (26) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (26) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:58
DEBUG: (26) creating of new post ok, id=2607658
DEBUG: (26) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(26) show created page 2607658:
(26) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221213
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Arts & Crafts in Junior & Senior infants
[description] => <p>A huge thank you to Kate and Dominique from the Parents Association who called to the infant classes this morning and did some super arts &...
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/03 12:09:44: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221213
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Arts & Crafts in Junior & Senior infants
[description] => <p>A huge thank you to Kate and Dominique from the Parents Association who called to the infant classes this morning and di...
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607658: post_date : 2024/12/03 12:09:44
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221213
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Arts & Crafts in Junior & Senior infants
[description] => <p>A huge thank you to Kate and Dominique from the Parents Association who called to the infant classes this morning and did some super arts &...
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221213
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Arts & Crafts in Junior & Senior infants
[description] => <p>A huge thank you to Kate and D...
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607658: images0 :
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221213
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Arts & Crafts in Junior & Senior infants
[description] => <p>A huge thank you to Kate and Dominique from the Parents Association who called to the infant classes this morning and did some super arts &...
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221213
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Arts & Crafts in Junior & Senior infants
[description] => <p>A huge thank you to Kate and D...
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607658: images1 :
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221213
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Arts & Crafts in Junior & Senior infants
[description] => <p>A huge thank you to Kate and Dominique from the Parents Association who called to the infant classes this morning and did some super arts &...
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 221213
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Arts & Crafts in Junior & Senior infants
[description] => <p>A huge thank you to Kate and D...
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607658: images2 :
DEBUG: (27) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Scottish Kilt
[description] => <p>Senior Infants have been learning all about Scotland and the Scottish culture. We had a lovely visit from Lawson's dad who showed the class his scottish kilt and explained what the kilt...
(27) title of created page: Scottish Kilt
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Scottish Kilt
[description] => <p>Senior Infants have been learning all about Scotland and the Scottish culture. We had a lovely visit from Lawson's dad who showed the class his scottish kilt and explained what the ki...
(27) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Scottish Kilt
[description] => <p>Senior Infants have been learning all about Scotland and the Scottish culture. We had a lovely visit from Lawson's dad who showed the class his scottish kilt and explained what the k...
(27) slug: Scottish Kilt
(27) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Scottish Kilt
[description] => <p>Senior Infants have been learning all about Scotland and the Scottish culture. We had a lovely visit from Lawson's dad who showed the class his scottish kilt and explained what the kilt...
(27) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Senior Infants have been learning all about Scotland and the Scottish culture. We had a lovely visit from Lawson's dad who showed the class his scottish kilt and explained what the kilt uniform is all about. The class were in awe of it all! Thanks Mathew for visiting the class.</p>
DEBUG: (27) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Senior Infants have been learning all about Scotland and the Scottish culture. We had a lovely visit from Lawson's dad who showed the class his scottish kilt and explained what the kilt uniform is all about. The class were in awe of it all! Thanks Mathew for visiting the class.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(27) featured image URL:
(27) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(27) No url_default for featured image defined
(27) no featured image defined
(27) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:58
DEBUG: (27) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:58
DEBUG: (27) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (27) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:58
DEBUG: (27) creating of new post ok, id=2607660
DEBUG: (27) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(27) show created page 2607660:
(27) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Scottish Kilt
[description] => <p>Senior Infants have been learning all about Scotland and the Scottish culture. We had a lovely visit from Lawson's dad who showed the class his scottish kilt and explained wh...
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/28 12:37:15: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Scottish Kilt
[description] => <p>Senior Infants have been learning all about Scotland and the Scottish culture. We had a lovely visit from Lawson's dad who showed the class his scottish ki...
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607660: post_date : 2024/11/28 12:37:15
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Scottish Kilt
[description] => <p>Senior Infants have been learning all about Scotland and the Scottish culture. We had a lovely visit from Lawson's dad who showed the class his scottish kilt and explained what t...
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Scottish Kilt
[description] => <p>Senior Infants have been learning all about Scotland and the Scot...
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607660: images0 :
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Scottish Kilt
[description] => <p>Senior Infants have been learning all about Scotland and the Scottish culture. We had a lovely visit from Lawson's dad who showed the class his scottish kilt and explained what t...
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Scottish Kilt
[description] => <p>Senior Infants have been learning all about Scotland and the Scot...
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607660: images1 :
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Scottish Kilt
[description] => <p>Senior Infants have been learning all about Scotland and the Scottish culture. We had a lovely visit from Lawson's dad who showed the class his scottish kilt and explained what t...
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Scottish Kilt
[description] => <p>Senior Infants have been learning all about Scotland and the Scot...
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607660: images2 :
DEBUG: (28) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220541
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the 3rd class girls who participated in the indoor football blitz in Rivertsick yesterday. They wore the school jerseys for their first time and displayed excellent...
(28) title of created page: Girls Football Blitz
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220541
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the 3rd class girls who participated in the indoor football blitz in Rivertsick yesterday. They wore the school jerseys for their first time and displayed excelle...
(28) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220541
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the 3rd class girls who participated in the indoor football blitz in Rivertsick yesterday. They wore the school jerseys for their first time and displayed excell...
(28) slug: Girls Football Blitz
(28) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220541
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the 3rd class girls who participated in the indoor football blitz in Rivertsick yesterday. They wore the school jerseys for their first time and displayed excellent...
(28) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Well done to the 3rd class girls who participated in the indoor football blitz in Rivertsick yesterday. They wore the school jerseys for their first time and displayed excellent football skills.</p>
DEBUG: (28) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Well done to the 3rd class girls who participated in the indoor football blitz in Rivertsick yesterday. They wore the school jerseys for their first time and displayed excellent football skills.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(28) featured image URL:
(28) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(28) No url_default for featured image defined
(28) no featured image defined
(28) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:58
DEBUG: (28) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:58
DEBUG: (28) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (28) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:58
DEBUG: (28) creating of new post ok, id=2607662
DEBUG: (28) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(28) show created page 2607662:
(28) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220541
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the 3rd class girls who participated in the indoor football blitz in Rivertsick yesterday. They wore the school jerseys for their first time and displaye...
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/27 21:55:42: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220541
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the 3rd class girls who participated in the indoor football blitz in Rivertsick yesterday. They wore the school jerseys for their firs...
(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607662: post_date : 2024/11/27 21:55:42
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220541
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the 3rd class girls who participated in the indoor football blitz in Rivertsick yesterday. They wore the school jerseys for their first time and displayed ex...
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220541
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the 3rd class girls who participated in the ...
(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607662: images0 :
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220541
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the 3rd class girls who participated in the indoor football blitz in Rivertsick yesterday. They wore the school jerseys for their first time and displayed ex...
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220541
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the 3rd class girls who participated in the ...
(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607662: images1 :
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220541
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the 3rd class girls who participated in the indoor football blitz in Rivertsick yesterday. They wore the school jerseys for their first time and displayed ex...
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220541
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the 3rd class girls who participated in the ...
(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607662: images2 :
DEBUG: (29) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220525
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class - Junior Entrepreneur
[description] => <p>5th class have been working on their Junior Entrepreneur project over the last number of weeks. Everyone in the class came up with an individual idea and then they wo...
(29) title of created page: 5th Class - Junior Entrepreneur
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220525
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class - Junior Entrepreneur
[description] => <p>5th class have been working on their Junior Entrepreneur project over the last number of weeks. Everyone in the class came up with an individual idea and then they ...
(29) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220525
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class - Junior Entrepreneur
[description] => <p>5th class have been working on their Junior Entrepreneur project over the last number of weeks. Everyone in the class came up with an individual idea and then they...
(29) slug: 5th Class - Junior Entrepreneur
(29) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220525
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class - Junior Entrepreneur
[description] => <p>5th class have been working on their Junior Entrepreneur project over the last number of weeks. Everyone in the class came up with an individual idea and then they wo...
(29) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>5th class have been working on their Junior Entrepreneur project over the last number of weeks. Everyone in the class came up with an individual idea and then they worked in groups to whittle it down to 5 ideas to be presented to the Dragons on their Dragon's Den day. Ms Hannon, Kelly and Hannah from Wild and Tame acted as dragons and gave the class great ideas and feedback. Hannah also told us all about setting up her business and answered some really interesting questions from the class! </p>
<div> </div>
<div>5th class will be working hard on their new business 'Mission Happiness' over the coming weeks and will start selling their products after Christmas. </div>
DEBUG: (29) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>5th class have been working on their Junior Entrepreneur project over the last number of weeks. Everyone in the class came up with an individual idea and then they worked in groups to whittle it down to 5 ideas to be presented to the Dragons on their Dragon's Den day. Ms Hannon, Kelly and Hannah from Wild and Tame acte...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(29) featured image URL:
(29) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(29) No url_default for featured image defined
(29) no featured image defined
(29) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:59
DEBUG: (29) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:59
DEBUG: (29) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (29) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:59
DEBUG: (29) creating of new post ok, id=2607664
DEBUG: (29) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(29) show created page 2607664:
(29) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220525
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class - Junior Entrepreneur
[description] => <p>5th class have been working on their Junior Entrepreneur project over the last number of weeks. Everyone in the class came up with an individual idea and t...
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/27 19:29:30: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220525
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class - Junior Entrepreneur
[description] => <p>5th class have been working on their Junior Entrepreneur project over the last number of weeks. Everyone in the class came up with an in...
(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607664: post_date : 2024/11/27 19:29:30
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220525
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class - Junior Entrepreneur
[description] => <p>5th class have been working on their Junior Entrepreneur project over the last number of weeks. Everyone in the class came up with an individual idea and then ...
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220525
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class - Junior Entrepreneur
[description] => <p>5th class have been working on their Junior En...
(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607664: images0 :
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220525
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class - Junior Entrepreneur
[description] => <p>5th class have been working on their Junior Entrepreneur project over the last number of weeks. Everyone in the class came up with an individual idea and then ...
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220525
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class - Junior Entrepreneur
[description] => <p>5th class have been working on their Junior En...
(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607664: images1 :
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220525
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class - Junior Entrepreneur
[description] => <p>5th class have been working on their Junior Entrepreneur project over the last number of weeks. Everyone in the class came up with an individual idea and then ...
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 220525
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class - Junior Entrepreneur
[description] => <p>5th class have been working on their Junior En...
(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607664: images2 :
DEBUG: (30) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219500
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Last Day of Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class had their last day of the Cycle Right programme this week. They went for a cycle around Dunderrow and had an opportunity to use some of the road safety rules they h...
(30) title of created page: Last Day of Cycle Right
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219500
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Last Day of Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class had their last day of the Cycle Right programme this week. They went for a cycle around Dunderrow and had an opportunity to use some of the road safety rules they...
(30) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219500
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Last Day of Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class had their last day of the Cycle Right programme this week. They went for a cycle around Dunderrow and had an opportunity to use some of the road safety rules the...
(30) slug: Last Day of Cycle Right
(30) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219500
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Last Day of Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class had their last day of the Cycle Right programme this week. They went for a cycle around Dunderrow and had an opportunity to use some of the road safety rules they h...
(30) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>5th class had their last day of the Cycle Right programme this week. They went for a cycle around Dunderrow and had an opportunity to use some of the road safety rules they had learned.</p>
DEBUG: (30) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>5th class had their last day of the Cycle Right programme this week. They went for a cycle around Dunderrow and had an opportunity to use some of the road safety rules they had learned.</p>
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(30) featured image URL:
(30) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(30) No url_default for featured image defined
(30) no featured image defined
(30) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:59
DEBUG: (30) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:59
DEBUG: (30) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (30) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:59
DEBUG: (30) creating of new post ok, id=2607666
DEBUG: (30) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(30) show created page 2607666:
(30) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219500
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Last Day of Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class had their last day of the Cycle Right programme this week. They went for a cycle around Dunderrow and had an opportunity to use some of the road safety r...
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/20 15:27:06: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219500
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Last Day of Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class had their last day of the Cycle Right programme this week. They went for a cycle around Dunderrow and had an opportunity to use some o...
(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607666: post_date : 2024/11/20 15:27:06
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219500
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Last Day of Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class had their last day of the Cycle Right programme this week. They went for a cycle around Dunderrow and had an opportunity to use some of the road safety rules...
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219500
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Last Day of Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class had their last day of the Cycle Right progra...
(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607666: images0 :
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219500
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Last Day of Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class had their last day of the Cycle Right programme this week. They went for a cycle around Dunderrow and had an opportunity to use some of the road safety rules...
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219500
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Last Day of Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class had their last day of the Cycle Right progra...
(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607666: images1 :
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219500
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Last Day of Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class had their last day of the Cycle Right programme this week. They went for a cycle around Dunderrow and had an opportunity to use some of the road safety rules...
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219500
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Last Day of Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class had their last day of the Cycle Right progra...
(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607666: images2 :
DEBUG: (31) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219494
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Week in 5th Class
[description] => <p>5th class were learning all about forces last week and used this knowledge to make paper rockets. They then worked in groups to complete an egg drop experiment where they bu...
(31) title of created page: Science Week in 5th Class
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219494
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Week in 5th Class
[description] => <p>5th class were learning all about forces last week and used this knowledge to make paper rockets. They then worked in groups to complete an egg drop experiment where they ...
(31) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219494
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Week in 5th Class
[description] => <p>5th class were learning all about forces last week and used this knowledge to make paper rockets. They then worked in groups to complete an egg drop experiment where they...
(31) slug: Science Week in 5th Class
(31) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219494
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Week in 5th Class
[description] => <p>5th class were learning all about forces last week and used this knowledge to make paper rockets. They then worked in groups to complete an egg drop experiment where they bu...
(31) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>5th class were learning all about forces last week and used this knowledge to make paper rockets. They then worked in groups to complete an egg drop experiment where they built devices to protect their eggs when dropped from a height. They showed great engineering skills and enthusiasm for this and made a second version with supplies from home for homework. We had a wide variety of contraptions to test out after this. 5th and 6th class also attended a webinar on how concerts can cause earthquakes as part of science week. </p>
DEBUG: (31) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>5th class were learning all about forces last week and used this knowledge to make paper rockets. They then worked in groups to complete an egg drop experiment where they built devices to protect their eggs when dropped from a height. They showed great engineering skills and enthusiasm for this and made a second version with supplies from ho...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(31) featured image URL:
(31) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(31) No url_default for featured image defined
(31) no featured image defined
(31) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:26:59
DEBUG: (31) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:26:59
DEBUG: (31) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (31) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:26:59
DEBUG: (31) creating of new post ok, id=2607668
DEBUG: (31) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(31) show created page 2607668:
(31) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219494
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Week in 5th Class
[description] => <p>5th class were learning all about forces last week and used this knowledge to make paper rockets. They then worked in groups to complete an egg drop experiment wh...
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/20 15:08:25: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219494
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Week in 5th Class
[description] => <p>5th class were learning all about forces last week and used this knowledge to make paper rockets. They then worked in groups to complete an egg...
(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607668: post_date : 2024/11/20 15:08:25
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219494
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Week in 5th Class
[description] => <p>5th class were learning all about forces last week and used this knowledge to make paper rockets. They then worked in groups to complete an egg drop experiment where ...
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219494
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Week in 5th Class
[description] => <p>5th class were learning all about forces last week an...
(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607668: images0 :
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219494
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Week in 5th Class
[description] => <p>5th class were learning all about forces last week and used this knowledge to make paper rockets. They then worked in groups to complete an egg drop experiment where ...
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219494
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Week in 5th Class
[description] => <p>5th class were learning all about forces last week an...
(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607668: images1 :
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219494
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Week in 5th Class
[description] => <p>5th class were learning all about forces last week and used this knowledge to make paper rockets. They then worked in groups to complete an egg drop experiment where ...
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 219494
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Week in 5th Class
[description] => <p>5th class were learning all about forces last week an...
(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607668: images2 :
DEBUG: (32) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218848
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class
[description] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[images0] => https://b81...
(32) title of created page: 1st class
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218848
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class
[description] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[images0] => https://b...
(32) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218848
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class
[description] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[images0] => https://...
(32) slug: 1st class
(32) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218848
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class
[description] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[images0] => https://b81...
(32) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
DEBUG: (32) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(32) featured image URL:
(32) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(32) No url_default for featured image defined
(32) no featured image defined
(32) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:27:00
DEBUG: (32) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:27:00
DEBUG: (32) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (32) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:27:00
DEBUG: (32) creating of new post ok, id=2607670
DEBUG: (32) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(32) show created page 2607670:
(32) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(32) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218848
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class
[description] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[images0] => ...
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/15 20:07:26: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218848
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class
[description] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
(32) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607670: post_date : 2024/11/15 20:07:26
(32) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218848
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class
[description] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[images0] => http...
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218848
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class
[description] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
(32) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607670: images0 :
(32) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218848
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class
[description] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[images0] => http...
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218848
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class
[description] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
(32) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607670: images1 :
(32) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218848
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class
[description] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
[images0] => http...
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218848
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st class
[description] => <p>Skittles experiment for science week </p>
(32) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607670: images2 :
DEBUG: (33) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218668
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd & 4th Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>Today 3rd & 4th class began their 6 week tag rugby sessions with School Munsters Coach Santiago. They all had great fun and can't wait for next weeks session!<...
(33) title of created page: 3rd & 4th Class Tag Rugby
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218668
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd & 4th Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>Today 3rd & 4th class began their 6 week tag rugby sessions with School Munsters Coach Santiago. They all had great fun and can't wait for next weeks session!&...
(33) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218668
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd & 4th Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>Today 3rd & 4th class began their 6 week tag rugby sessions with School Munsters Coach Santiago. They all had great fun and can't wait for next weeks session!...
(33) slug: 3rd & 4th Class Tag Rugby
(33) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218668
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd & 4th Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>Today 3rd & 4th class began their 6 week tag rugby sessions with School Munsters Coach Santiago. They all had great fun and can't wait for next weeks session!<...
(33) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Today 3rd & 4th class began their 6 week tag rugby sessions with School Munsters Coach Santiago. They all had great fun and can't wait for next weeks session!</p>
DEBUG: (33) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Today 3rd &amp; 4th class began their 6 week tag rugby sessions with School Munsters Coach Santiago. They all had great fun and can't wait for next weeks session!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(33) featured image URL:
(33) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(33) No url_default for featured image defined
(33) no featured image defined
(33) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:27:00
DEBUG: (33) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:27:00
DEBUG: (33) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (33) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:27:00
DEBUG: (33) creating of new post ok, id=2607672
DEBUG: (33) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(33) show created page 2607672:
(33) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(33) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218668
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd & 4th Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>Today 3rd & 4th class began their 6 week tag rugby sessions with School Munsters Coach Santiago. They all had great fun and can't wait for next weeks ...
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/15 11:24:15: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218668
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd & 4th Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>Today 3rd & 4th class began their 6 week tag rugby sessions with School Munsters Coach Santiago. They all had great fun and can't w...
(33) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607672: post_date : 2024/11/15 11:24:15
(33) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218668
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd & 4th Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>Today 3rd & 4th class began their 6 week tag rugby sessions with School Munsters Coach Santiago. They all had great fun and can't wait for next weeks sess...
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218668
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd & 4th Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>Today 3rd & 4th class began their 6 week ...
(33) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607672: images0 :
(33) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218668
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd & 4th Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>Today 3rd & 4th class began their 6 week tag rugby sessions with School Munsters Coach Santiago. They all had great fun and can't wait for next weeks sess...
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218668
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd & 4th Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>Today 3rd & 4th class began their 6 week ...
(33) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607672: images1 :
(33) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218668
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd & 4th Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>Today 3rd & 4th class began their 6 week tag rugby sessions with School Munsters Coach Santiago. They all had great fun and can't wait for next weeks sess...
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218668
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd & 4th Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>Today 3rd & 4th class began their 6 week ...
(33) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607672: images2 :
DEBUG: (34) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218648
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Wise Water Project
[description] => <p>6th class completed the Wise Water project over 6 weeks where they learned how valuable water is. They learned how essential water is to everything on earth, how much is wasted ev...
(34) title of created page: Wise Water Project
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218648
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Wise Water Project
[description] => <p>6th class completed the Wise Water project over 6 weeks where they learned how valuable water is. They learned how essential water is to everything on earth, how much is wasted ...
(34) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218648
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Wise Water Project
[description] => <p>6th class completed the Wise Water project over 6 weeks where they learned how valuable water is. They learned how essential water is to everything on earth, how much is wasted...
(34) slug: Wise Water Project
(34) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218648
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Wise Water Project
[description] => <p>6th class completed the Wise Water project over 6 weeks where they learned how valuable water is. They learned how essential water is to everything on earth, how much is wasted ev...
(34) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>6th class completed the Wise Water project over 6 weeks where they learned how valuable water is. They learned how essential water is to everything on earth, how much is wasted every day and how we can begin to conserve it. They also presented what they learned to 4th & 5th classes. At the end of the programme 6th class were presented with the Wise Water flag, a water drop made from recycled materials. We hope 6th class will continue to be water ambassadors!</p>
DEBUG: (34) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>6th class completed the Wise Water project over 6 weeks where they learned how valuable water is. They learned how essential water is to everything on earth, how much is wasted every day and how we can begin to conserve it. They also presented what they learned to 4th &amp; 5th classes. At the end of the programme 6th class were pres...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(34) featured image URL:
(34) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(34) No url_default for featured image defined
(34) no featured image defined
(34) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:27:00
DEBUG: (34) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:27:00
DEBUG: (34) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (34) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:27:00
DEBUG: (34) creating of new post ok, id=2607674
DEBUG: (34) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(34) show created page 2607674:
(34) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(34) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218648
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Wise Water Project
[description] => <p>6th class completed the Wise Water project over 6 weeks where they learned how valuable water is. They learned how essential water is to everything on earth, how much i...
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/15 10:09:13: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218648
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Wise Water Project
[description] => <p>6th class completed the Wise Water project over 6 weeks where they learned how valuable water is. They learned how essential water is to everything o...
(34) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607674: post_date : 2024/11/15 10:09:13
(34) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218648
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Wise Water Project
[description] => <p>6th class completed the Wise Water project over 6 weeks where they learned how valuable water is. They learned how essential water is to everything on earth, how much is wa...
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218648
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Wise Water Project
[description] => <p>6th class completed the Wise Water project over 6 weeks whe...
(34) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607674: images0 :
(34) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218648
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Wise Water Project
[description] => <p>6th class completed the Wise Water project over 6 weeks where they learned how valuable water is. They learned how essential water is to everything on earth, how much is wa...
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218648
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Wise Water Project
[description] => <p>6th class completed the Wise Water project over 6 weeks whe...
(34) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607674: images1 :
(34) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218648
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Wise Water Project
[description] => <p>6th class completed the Wise Water project over 6 weeks where they learned how valuable water is. They learned how essential water is to everything on earth, how much is wa...
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218648
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Wise Water Project
[description] => <p>6th class completed the Wise Water project over 6 weeks whe...
(34) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607674: images2 :
DEBUG: (35) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218608
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Baking
[description] => <p>We have been learning about cereal crops and how to make bread. Yesterday, we enjoyed making our own brown bread. The best thing about baking is that you get to taste the end produc...
(35) title of created page: 3rd Class Baking
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218608
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Baking
[description] => <p>We have been learning about cereal crops and how to make bread. Yesterday, we enjoyed making our own brown bread. The best thing about baking is that you get to taste the end prod...
(35) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218608
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Baking
[description] => <p>We have been learning about cereal crops and how to make bread. Yesterday, we enjoyed making our own brown bread. The best thing about baking is that you get to taste the end pro...
(35) slug: 3rd Class Baking
(35) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218608
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Baking
[description] => <p>We have been learning about cereal crops and how to make bread. Yesterday, we enjoyed making our own brown bread. The best thing about baking is that you get to taste the end produc...
(35) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>We have been learning about cereal crops and how to make bread. Yesterday, we enjoyed making our own brown bread. The best thing about baking is that you get to taste the end product. It got the thumbs up from us all!</p>
DEBUG: (35) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>We have been learning about cereal crops and how to make bread. Yesterday, we enjoyed making our own brown bread. The best thing about baking is that you get to taste the end product. It got the thumbs up from us all!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(35) featured image URL:
(35) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(35) No url_default for featured image defined
(35) no featured image defined
(35) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:27:01
DEBUG: (35) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:27:01
DEBUG: (35) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (35) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:27:01
DEBUG: (35) creating of new post ok, id=2607676
DEBUG: (35) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(35) show created page 2607676:
(35) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(35) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218608
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Baking
[description] => <p>We have been learning about cereal crops and how to make bread. Yesterday, we enjoyed making our own brown bread. The best thing about baking is that you get to taste the...
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/15 08:35:05: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218608
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Baking
[description] => <p>We have been learning about cereal crops and how to make bread. Yesterday, we enjoyed making our own brown bread. The best thing about baking is that y...
(35) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607676: post_date : 2024/11/15 08:35:05
(35) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218608
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Baking
[description] => <p>We have been learning about cereal crops and how to make bread. Yesterday, we enjoyed making our own brown bread. The best thing about baking is that you get to taste the end...
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218608
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Baking
[description] => <p>We have been learning about cereal crops and how to make brea...
(35) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607676: images0 :
(35) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218608
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Baking
[description] => <p>We have been learning about cereal crops and how to make bread. Yesterday, we enjoyed making our own brown bread. The best thing about baking is that you get to taste the end...
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218608
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Baking
[description] => <p>We have been learning about cereal crops and how to make brea...
(35) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607676: images1 :
(35) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218608
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Baking
[description] => <p>We have been learning about cereal crops and how to make bread. Yesterday, we enjoyed making our own brown bread. The best thing about baking is that you get to taste the end...
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218608
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Baking
[description] => <p>We have been learning about cereal crops and how to make brea...
(35) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607676: images2 :
DEBUG: (36) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218469
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Primary Science Table Quiz
[description] => Congratulations to our students who took part in the Lifetime Lab Primary Science quiz last night in UCC. They represented themselves, the school and their families very well! Thank...
(36) title of created page: Primary Science Table Quiz
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218469
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Primary Science Table Quiz
[description] => Congratulations to our students who took part in the Lifetime Lab Primary Science quiz last night in UCC. They represented themselves, the school and their families very well! Tha...
(36) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218469
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Primary Science Table Quiz
[description] => Congratulations to our students who took part in the Lifetime Lab Primary Science quiz last night in UCC. They represented themselves, the school and their families very well! Th...
(36) slug: Primary Science Table Quiz
(36) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218469
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Primary Science Table Quiz
[description] => Congratulations to our students who took part in the Lifetime Lab Primary Science quiz last night in UCC. They represented themselves, the school and their families very well! Thank...
(36) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Congratulations to our students who took part in the Lifetime Lab Primary Science quiz last night in UCC. They represented themselves, the school and their families very well! Thanks to Lilly for gifting them some goodies too.
DEBUG: (36) content 4 page after do_shortcode: Congratulations to our students who took part in the Lifetime Lab Primary Science quiz last night in UCC. They represented themselves, the school and their families very well! Thanks to Lilly for gifting them some goodies too.
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(36) featured image URL:
(36) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(36) No url_default for featured image defined
(36) no featured image defined
(36) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:27:01
DEBUG: (36) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:27:01
DEBUG: (36) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (36) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:27:01
DEBUG: (36) creating of new post ok, id=2607678
DEBUG: (36) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(36) show created page 2607678:
(36) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(36) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218469
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Primary Science Table Quiz
[description] => Congratulations to our students who took part in the Lifetime Lab Primary Science quiz last night in UCC. They represented themselves, the school and their families very ...
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/14 12:46:36: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218469
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Primary Science Table Quiz
[description] => Congratulations to our students who took part in the Lifetime Lab Primary Science quiz last night in UCC. They represented themselves, the school and t...
(36) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607678: post_date : 2024/11/14 12:46:36
(36) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218469
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Primary Science Table Quiz
[description] => Congratulations to our students who took part in the Lifetime Lab Primary Science quiz last night in UCC. They represented themselves, the school and their families very well...
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218469
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Primary Science Table Quiz
[description] => Congratulations to our students who took part in the Lifetime...
(36) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607678: images0 :
(36) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218469
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Primary Science Table Quiz
[description] => Congratulations to our students who took part in the Lifetime Lab Primary Science quiz last night in UCC. They represented themselves, the school and their families very well...
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218469
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Primary Science Table Quiz
[description] => Congratulations to our students who took part in the Lifetime Lab Primary Science quiz last night in UCC. They represented themselves, the school and their families very well!...
(36) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607678: images1 :
(36) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218469
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Primary Science Table Quiz
[description] => Congratulations to our students who took part in the Lifetime Lab Primary Science quiz last night in UCC. They represented themselves, the school and their families very well...
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218469
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Primary Science Table Quiz
[description] => Congratulations to our students who took part in the Lifetime Lab Primary Science quiz last night in UCC. They represented themselves, the school and their families very well!...
(36) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607678: images2 :
DEBUG: (37) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218399
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Explore Their Senses in Science
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about how our senses work and how they can protect us from potential dangers around us. They had fun with a mystery bag ac...
(37) title of created page: Second Class Explore Their Senses in Science
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218399
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Explore Their Senses in Science
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about how our senses work and how they can protect us from potential dangers around us. They had fun with a mystery bag ...
(37) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218399
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Explore Their Senses in Science
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about how our senses work and how they can protect us from potential dangers around us. They had fun with a mystery bag...
(37) slug: Second Class Explore Their Senses in Science
(37) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218399
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Explore Their Senses in Science
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about how our senses work and how they can protect us from potential dangers around us. They had fun with a mystery bag ac...
(37) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Second class have been learning about how our senses work and how they can protect us from potential dangers around us. They had fun with a mystery bag activity where their sense of touch was put to the test; describing the texture of the items and predicting what they might be. Blindfolded, they carried out a smell investigation; and had to guess the items through their noses alone! We recorded predictions and results. We carried out a jumping rice experiment, to explore how sound travels in waves. We also played guess the sound; guessing from a range of sounds including natural sounds, animal sounds and mechanical sounds. Second class are fascinated by the power of their senses!</p>
DEBUG: (37) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Second class have been learning about how our senses work and how they can protect us from potential dangers around us. They had fun with a mystery bag activity where their sense of touch was put to the test; describing the texture of the items and predicting what they might be. Blindfolded, they carried out a smell investigation; and had to...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(37) featured image URL:
(37) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(37) No url_default for featured image defined
(37) no featured image defined
(37) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:27:01
DEBUG: (37) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:27:01
DEBUG: (37) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (37) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:27:01
DEBUG: (37) creating of new post ok, id=2607680
DEBUG: (37) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(37) show created page 2607680:
(37) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(37) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218399
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Explore Their Senses in Science
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about how our senses work and how they can protect us from potential dangers around us. They had fun with a mys...
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/14 08:12:18: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218399
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Explore Their Senses in Science
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about how our senses work and how they can protect us from potential dangers around us. They...
(37) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607680: post_date : 2024/11/14 08:12:18
(37) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218399
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Explore Their Senses in Science
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about how our senses work and how they can protect us from potential dangers around us. They had fun with a mystery...
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218399
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Explore Their Senses in Science
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning ab...
(37) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607680: images0 :
(37) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218399
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Explore Their Senses in Science
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about how our senses work and how they can protect us from potential dangers around us. They had fun with a mystery...
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218399
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Explore Their Senses in Science
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning ab...
(37) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607680: images1 :
(37) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218399
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Explore Their Senses in Science
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about how our senses work and how they can protect us from potential dangers around us. They had fun with a mystery...
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218399
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Explore Their Senses in Science
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning ab...
(37) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607680: images2 :
DEBUG: (38) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218112
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2D Shapes in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about 2D shapes. They learned about the properties of the shapes and used lots of important maths language. They enjoyed drawing the shapes a...
(38) title of created page: 2D Shapes in Second Class
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218112
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2D Shapes in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about 2D shapes. They learned about the properties of the shapes and used lots of important maths language. They enjoyed drawing the shapes...
(38) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218112
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2D Shapes in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about 2D shapes. They learned about the properties of the shapes and used lots of important maths language. They enjoyed drawing the shape...
(38) slug: 2D Shapes in Second Class
(38) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218112
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2D Shapes in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about 2D shapes. They learned about the properties of the shapes and used lots of important maths language. They enjoyed drawing the shapes a...
(38) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Second class have been learning about 2D shapes. They learned about the properties of the shapes and used lots of important maths language. They enjoyed drawing the shapes and constructing them with straws and pipe cleaners. 2D shapes also inspired our art lesson this week. Second class made overlapping shape drawings, using contrasting colours to make the shapes really stand out. </p>
DEBUG: (38) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Second class have been learning about 2D shapes. They learned about the properties of the shapes and used lots of important maths language. They enjoyed drawing the shapes and constructing them with straws and pipe cleaners. 2D shapes also inspired our art lesson this week. Second class made overlapping shape drawings, using contrasting colo...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(38) featured image URL:
(38) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(38) No url_default for featured image defined
(38) no featured image defined
(38) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:27:02
DEBUG: (38) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:27:02
DEBUG: (38) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (38) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:27:02
DEBUG: (38) creating of new post ok, id=2607682
DEBUG: (38) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(38) show created page 2607682:
(38) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(38) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218112
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2D Shapes in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about 2D shapes. They learned about the properties of the shapes and used lots of important maths language. They enjoyed drawing t...
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/12 12:51:49: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218112
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2D Shapes in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about 2D shapes. They learned about the properties of the shapes and used lots of important maths language. The...
(38) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607682: post_date : 2024/11/12 12:51:49
(38) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218112
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2D Shapes in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about 2D shapes. They learned about the properties of the shapes and used lots of important maths language. They enjoyed drawing the s...
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218112
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2D Shapes in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about 2D shapes. They...
(38) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607682: images0 :
(38) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218112
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2D Shapes in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about 2D shapes. They learned about the properties of the shapes and used lots of important maths language. They enjoyed drawing the s...
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218112
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2D Shapes in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about 2D shapes. They...
(38) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607682: images1 :
(38) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218112
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2D Shapes in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about 2D shapes. They learned about the properties of the shapes and used lots of important maths language. They enjoyed drawing the s...
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218112
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2D Shapes in Second Class
[description] => <p>Second class have been learning about 2D shapes. They...
(38) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607682: images2 :
DEBUG: (39) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218050
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Experiment
[description] => Senior Infants made exploding lemon volcanoes this morning. We even mixed blue and yellow food colouring to see if we could make a green volcano.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants made e...
(39) title of created page: Science Experiment
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218050
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Experiment
[description] => Senior Infants made exploding lemon volcanoes this morning. We even mixed blue and yellow food colouring to see if we could make a green volcano.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants made...
(39) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218050
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Experiment
[description] => Senior Infants made exploding lemon volcanoes this morning. We even mixed blue and yellow food colouring to see if we could make a green volcano.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants mad...
(39) slug: Science Experiment
(39) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218050
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Experiment
[description] => Senior Infants made exploding lemon volcanoes this morning. We even mixed blue and yellow food colouring to see if we could make a green volcano.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants made e...
(39) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Senior Infants made exploding lemon volcanoes this morning. We even mixed blue and yellow food colouring to see if we could make a green volcano.
DEBUG: (39) content 4 page after do_shortcode: Senior Infants made exploding lemon volcanoes this morning. We even mixed blue and yellow food colouring to see if we could make a green volcano.
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(39) featured image URL:
(39) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(39) No url_default for featured image defined
(39) no featured image defined
(39) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:27:02
DEBUG: (39) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:27:02
DEBUG: (39) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (39) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:27:02
DEBUG: (39) creating of new post ok, id=2607684
DEBUG: (39) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(39) show created page 2607684:
(39) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(39) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218050
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Experiment
[description] => Senior Infants made exploding lemon volcanoes this morning. We even mixed blue and yellow food colouring to see if we could make a green volcano.
[html_desc] => Senior Inf...
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/12 09:47:41: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218050
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Experiment
[description] => Senior Infants made exploding lemon volcanoes this morning. We even mixed blue and yellow food colouring to see if we could make a green volcano.
(39) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607684: post_date : 2024/11/12 09:47:41
(39) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218050
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Experiment
[description] => Senior Infants made exploding lemon volcanoes this morning. We even mixed blue and yellow food colouring to see if we could make a green volcano.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants...
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218050
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Experiment
[description] => Senior Infants made exploding lemon volcanoes this morning. We even m...
(39) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607684: images0 :
(39) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218050
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Experiment
[description] => Senior Infants made exploding lemon volcanoes this morning. We even mixed blue and yellow food colouring to see if we could make a green volcano.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants...
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218050
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Experiment
[description] => Senior Infants made exploding lemon volcanoes this morning. We even m...
(39) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607684: images1 :
(39) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
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[id] => 218050
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Experiment
[description] => Senior Infants made exploding lemon volcanoes this morning. We even mixed blue and yellow food colouring to see if we could make a green volcano.
[html_desc] => Senior Infants...
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 218050
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Science Experiment
[description] => Senior Infants made exploding lemon volcanoes this morning. We even m...
(39) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607684: images2 :
DEBUG: (40) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217609
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Shoebox Appeal
[description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who sent in a christmas shoebox and donated to the Team Hope Christmas Appeal. We collected 102 shoeboxes for this Christmas Appeal. A huge thank you to...
(40) title of created page: Christmas Shoebox Appeal
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217609
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Shoebox Appeal
[description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who sent in a christmas shoebox and donated to the Team Hope Christmas Appeal. We collected 102 shoeboxes for this Christmas Appeal. A huge thank you ...
(40) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217609
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Shoebox Appeal
[description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who sent in a christmas shoebox and donated to the Team Hope Christmas Appeal. We collected 102 shoeboxes for this Christmas Appeal. A huge thank you...
(40) slug: Christmas Shoebox Appeal
(40) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217609
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Shoebox Appeal
[description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who sent in a christmas shoebox and donated to the Team Hope Christmas Appeal. We collected 102 shoeboxes for this Christmas Appeal. A huge thank you to...
(40) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Thank you to everyone who sent in a christmas shoebox and donated to the Team Hope Christmas Appeal. We collected 102 shoeboxes for this Christmas Appeal. A huge thank you to our Junior & Senior Infants who made sure all boxes were sent off safely this morning!</p>
DEBUG: (40) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Thank you to everyone who sent in a christmas shoebox and donated to the Team Hope Christmas Appeal. We collected 102 shoeboxes for this Christmas Appeal. A huge thank you to our Junior &amp; Senior Infants who made sure all boxes were sent off safely this morning!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(40) featured image URL:
(40) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(40) No url_default for featured image defined
(40) no featured image defined
(40) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:27:02
DEBUG: (40) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:27:02
DEBUG: (40) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (40) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:27:02
DEBUG: (40) creating of new post ok, id=2607686
DEBUG: (40) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(40) show created page 2607686:
(40) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(40) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217609
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Shoebox Appeal
[description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who sent in a christmas shoebox and donated to the Team Hope Christmas Appeal. We collected 102 shoeboxes for this Christmas Appeal. A huge t...
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/08 12:24:32: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217609
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Shoebox Appeal
[description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who sent in a christmas shoebox and donated to the Team Hope Christmas Appeal. We collected 102 shoeboxes for this Christm...
(40) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607686: post_date : 2024/11/08 12:24:32
(40) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217609
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Shoebox Appeal
[description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who sent in a christmas shoebox and donated to the Team Hope Christmas Appeal. We collected 102 shoeboxes for this Christmas Appeal. A huge thank...
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217609
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Shoebox Appeal
[description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who sent in a christmas shoebox ...
(40) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607686: images0 :
(40) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217609
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Shoebox Appeal
[description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who sent in a christmas shoebox and donated to the Team Hope Christmas Appeal. We collected 102 shoeboxes for this Christmas Appeal. A huge thank...
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217609
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Shoebox Appeal
[description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who sent in a christmas shoebox ...
(40) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607686: images1 :
(40) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217609
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Shoebox Appeal
[description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who sent in a christmas shoebox and donated to the Team Hope Christmas Appeal. We collected 102 shoeboxes for this Christmas Appeal. A huge thank...
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217609
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Christmas Shoebox Appeal
[description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who sent in a christmas shoebox ...
(40) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607686: images2 :
DEBUG: (41) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217407
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => West Cork Rapid Response Jeep
[description] => <p>On Wednesday we had volunteers from the West Cork Rapid Response Unit call to the school and show the children the WCRR Jeep and talk about what work they do within the ...
(41) title of created page: West Cork Rapid Response Jeep
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217407
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => West Cork Rapid Response Jeep
[description] => <p>On Wednesday we had volunteers from the West Cork Rapid Response Unit call to the school and show the children the WCRR Jeep and talk about what work they do within th...
(41) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217407
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => West Cork Rapid Response Jeep
[description] => <p>On Wednesday we had volunteers from the West Cork Rapid Response Unit call to the school and show the children the WCRR Jeep and talk about what work they do within t...
(41) slug: West Cork Rapid Response Jeep
(41) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217407
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => West Cork Rapid Response Jeep
[description] => <p>On Wednesday we had volunteers from the West Cork Rapid Response Unit call to the school and show the children the WCRR Jeep and talk about what work they do within the ...
(41) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>On Wednesday we had volunteers from the West Cork Rapid Response Unit call to the school and show the children the WCRR Jeep and talk about what work they do within the WCRR team. All involved in the West Cork Rapid Response would like to thank everyone for their generous donations towards our Halloween Fundraiser for West Cork Rapid Response. A total of €655.36 was raised. Thank you.</p>
DEBUG: (41) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>On Wednesday we had volunteers from the West Cork Rapid Response Unit call to the school and show the children the WCRR Jeep and talk about what work they do within the WCRR team. All involved in the West Cork Rapid Response would like to thank everyone for their generous donations towards our Halloween Fundraiser for West Cork Rapid Respons...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(41) featured image URL:
(41) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(41) No url_default for featured image defined
(41) no featured image defined
(41) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:27:03
DEBUG: (41) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:27:03
DEBUG: (41) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (41) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:27:03
DEBUG: (41) creating of new post ok, id=2607687
DEBUG: (41) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(41) show created page 2607687:
(41) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(41) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217407
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => West Cork Rapid Response Jeep
[description] => <p>On Wednesday we had volunteers from the West Cork Rapid Response Unit call to the school and show the children the WCRR Jeep and talk about what work they do ...
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/11/07 12:43:46: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217407
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => West Cork Rapid Response Jeep
[description] => <p>On Wednesday we had volunteers from the West Cork Rapid Response Unit call to the school and show the children the WCRR Jeep and talk about...
(41) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607687: post_date : 2024/11/07 12:43:46
(41) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217407
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => West Cork Rapid Response Jeep
[description] => <p>On Wednesday we had volunteers from the West Cork Rapid Response Unit call to the school and show the children the WCRR Jeep and talk about what work they do with...
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217407
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => West Cork Rapid Response Jeep
[description] => <p>On Wednesday we had volunteers from the West Cork...
(41) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607687: images0 :
(41) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217407
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => West Cork Rapid Response Jeep
[description] => <p>On Wednesday we had volunteers from the West Cork Rapid Response Unit call to the school and show the children the WCRR Jeep and talk about what work they do with...
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217407
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => West Cork Rapid Response Jeep
[description] => <p>On Wednesday we had volunteers from the West Cork...
(41) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607687: images1 :
(41) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217407
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => West Cork Rapid Response Jeep
[description] => <p>On Wednesday we had volunteers from the West Cork Rapid Response Unit call to the school and show the children the WCRR Jeep and talk about what work they do with...
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 217407
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => West Cork Rapid Response Jeep
[description] => <p>On Wednesday we had volunteers from the West Cork...
(41) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607687: images2 :
DEBUG: (42) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes for Halloween
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f...
(42) title of created page: All Classes for Halloween
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes for Halloween
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab...
(42) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes for Halloween
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70da...
(42) slug: All Classes for Halloween
(42) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes for Halloween
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f...
(42) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Halloween Classes</p>
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DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(42) featured image URL:
(42) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(42) No url_default for featured image defined
(42) no featured image defined
(42) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-01-02 16:27:03
DEBUG: (42) page postdate: 2025-01-02 16:27:03
DEBUG: (42) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (42) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-01-02 16:27:03
DEBUG: (42) creating of new post ok, id=2607689
DEBUG: (42) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(42) show created page 2607689:
(42) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(42) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes for Halloween
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d...
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/25 11:37:27: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes for Halloween
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a...
(42) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607689: post_date : 2024/10/25 11:37:27
(42) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes for Halloween
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d...
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes for Halloween
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => &am...
(42) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607689: images0 :
(42) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes for Halloween
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d...
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes for Halloween
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => &am...
(42) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607689: images1 :
(42) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes for Halloween
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d...
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes for Halloween
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => &am...
(42) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2607689: images2 :