Well done to the boys and girls from Dunderrow NS who played at half time of the Cork v Galway hurling match in SuperValu Pairc Uí Chaoimh on Saturday evening....
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Fáilte is fiche romhat féin is do pháiste! Welcome to Dunderrow National School
It is my very great privilege to serve as Principal of Dunderrow National School. Our school was built in 2000 and it has progressed from a 4 teacher school to the vibrant and multi-faceted educational establishment we have today with staffing of nineteen.
Dunderrow NS is made of bricks and mortar. What gives it life are the people who pass through it- the children with their individual gifts, talents, joy and wonderfully unique personalities, and also the staff who work here. It has always aimed to be a place where young people are happy, where they can feel at home, where they can be themselves, and where effort and achievement are recognised and where whole hearted participation is encouraged. Towards these ends we aim to fulfil our objectives and your aspirations.
Our school is very fortunate to have highly motivated and dedicated teachers, Special Needs Assistants and secretary, who constantly demonstrate their creativity, patience, tolerance and respect in encouraging the young children in our care.
The parents in Dunderrow NS have been an invaluable resource over the years and we very much appreciate the immense contribution of the members of successive Boards of Management and Parents Associations. Their support, generosity and sheer hard work has helped us enjoy the particularly good facilities that we have here in our school.
Thank you to all parents who are associated with our school and who have entrusted their wonderful children in our care. We thank you for your undying support, continuous encouragement, constructive advice, friendliness, optimism and patience, but above all for the belief and trust you place in us as a staff to deliver a quality education for your children.
Great oaks from little acorns grow
TrÍona Hannon, Principal
March 20, 2025
Super performances by our girls and boys Sciath na Scol teams yesterday. Both teams showed great skill and teamwork with great passing, leading to both clinching victory . Well done...
March 14, 2025
A massive turnout of green today for our Lá Glas and Seachtain na Gaeilge. We had a sea of green in the halla for our assembly and 4th 5th 6th...
March 13, 2025
As part of our "Say Yes to Language" Programme 5th & 6th class began their French lessons with Ms Murphy. All really enjoyed learning a new language!
March 10, 2025
Both boys and girls had Sciath na Scol matches last Friday. Well done to the girls on their win. The boys were narrowly defeated but made a great comeback and...
March 9, 2025
Congratulations to our u11 team, who represented Dunderrow and First South Credit Union at a regional quiz final in Rochestown Park Hotel this afternoon and won! They will now represent...
A Student Council is a representative structure for all the students in the school. It provides students with the opportunity to become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents. It should always work for the benefit of the school and its pupils.
At Dunderrow National School, we feel it is very important for children to share their opinions, ideas and suggestions. To assist pupils in this practice, we set up a Students’ Council in June 2022.
The Students’ Council will give pupils a voice. We want our Council to play a central role within the school; with its status elevated to ensure that the voice of the pupil is heard at many levels of decision making.
- As class representatives, the elected School Councillors take class suggestions to full Council meetings on a monthly basis (class councillors, 2 teachers and Principal). These Council Meetings will ensure that the views of the pupils will be taken into consideration on suggestions for school development. They can also bring suggestions for class development to the attention of the class teacher to be discussed and developed within their own particular classroom. We want all our children to feel listened to and empowered.
- The personal impact on pupils is significant – pupils develop confidence in bringing appropriate issues to the school leadership and they feel that they are active members of the school community. Active participation allows them to develop as speakers, listeners, negotiators and decision makers. All of this has a positive impact on their self-esteem and self-confidence, which in turn moulds them to become active members of society and confident of their ability to create change
Keep up to date with all the school news, events and announcements. Our new school app used the latest technology to keep you in touch with all goings on. It is also packed with loads of other features.
Equal Opportunity School
Acres of Landscaped Site
Permanent Classrooms
Staff Members